Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 33

So today is August 29th 2010, sorry I haven't bloged in over a month. I have actually been busy working at the camp and getting my stuff ready for WCC. I cannot wait to go back and be able to drive there and see all my friends at the same time. It's going to be an awesome year.....I can feel it! And I think the Analytical Reading course is going to be really good for me since I am terrible at reading comprehension. Anyways one of my best friends leaves for her pre-college program today and I want to give her a little shoutout. Good luck Em! I'm rooting for you! In other news, I want to get a dwarf rabbit. I saw one in a pet store yesterday and it was just so adorable. My mom said that she wants to see it and then we will discuss it and then I guess we'll go from there. I am at my dad's house this weekend and I feel sick today. My head and my throat hurt and I just woke up, but still feel tired. I think I might be getting sick. I hate when I'm sick because I feel all gross and sicky. Anyways that's all I have to report for now! Until next time bloggers!

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