Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 14

So today is January 28th 2010 and I am stuck at home. It is snowing and the roads are so bad that I couldn't go to my acting class. They are still bad so I cant go to my volunteer job either. We were supposed to start the first play in my class, but I guess I will just get it on Tuesday. I went to club day at the college yesterday and signed up for the drama club which meets every Wednesday. So now I will be there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! I wanted to sign up for the cheerleading club too, but no one came to represent it at club day. Oh I almost forgot! I ran into my friend Jordan at club day and we had lunch together. We might hang out tomorrow when she's done with her classes. I was really excited to see someone I knew cause now we can hangout in school and outside of school lol. I actually am starting to feel like a real student, even though I am only taking one course. I love it there though, I just love the atmosphere I guess. Anyways I am so bored! There is nothing to do in my house lol. Well that's about it for today, until next time bloggers!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 13

So today is January 23rd 2010. I started my acting course at Westchester Community College on Tuesday and it was amazing!!!! I go every Tuesday and Thursday and I met so many new people and had a lot of fun. I did the homework for both days already lol. I really like my professor, she is adorable and I think likes to have fun in class. We start our first play next Tuesday. We are going to be reading the play Oleanna. We are going to be reading two plays after that. The other plays are Burried Child and Eurydice. (Can someone tell me how to pronounce that? I have no clue!) We also have to see a live performance somewhere and do a full page critique of it. And for the midterm we need to memorize a monologue from one of the plays that we read. I'm so excited because I can be a really good actress and I really enjoy being on stage. The class is in the theater and we do everything on the stage, which is a huge plus for me. I think I was born to be on stage lol just kidding. We do really fun exercises too. They get you out of your own head and get you to be something that's completly different from who you are. It's wicked awesome! I love it. Anyways that's all I have to say about the class right now, but I will blog again after the next class!!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 12

So today is January 17th 2010. I am sooo bored today. I am just sitting in my den listening to music and writing this blog. I am also really mad. I have to work at my dad's pharmacy every monday from now on. I don't like working at his store because I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and I am always so tired. Like, I like the store and the customers and everything, but I hate waking up that early. The only positives are that I don't start working until 9 in the morning and that I am getting paid for it. We usually get there at like 6:15AM and then I sit in his office until 9AM. Then I work at the register until like 1 or 1:30PM, that's when I have like 30 minutes to an hour of lunch. Then I work straight until 5PM. My dad works until 7PM so at 5PM I go back and sit in his office for another two hours. I don't mind sitting in his office because he has a really awesome massage chair that I sit on. I usually fall asleep on it either in the morning, at lunch, or after my shift. I guess working there is not so bad, it's just I don't want to do it lol. Anyways I am starting Westchester Community College on Tuesday. I can't wait I am taking one course. It's an acting course. It should be a lot of fun. I also cannot wait to sign up for the two clubs that I want to do. I want to be in the cheerleading club and the drama club. They sound like fun and they are also a great way to meet and make new friends. The cheerleading club will definitely help me make some girlfriends. I think that's all the info I have for now. So until next time bloggers!