Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 12

So today is January 17th 2010. I am sooo bored today. I am just sitting in my den listening to music and writing this blog. I am also really mad. I have to work at my dad's pharmacy every monday from now on. I don't like working at his store because I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and I am always so tired. Like, I like the store and the customers and everything, but I hate waking up that early. The only positives are that I don't start working until 9 in the morning and that I am getting paid for it. We usually get there at like 6:15AM and then I sit in his office until 9AM. Then I work at the register until like 1 or 1:30PM, that's when I have like 30 minutes to an hour of lunch. Then I work straight until 5PM. My dad works until 7PM so at 5PM I go back and sit in his office for another two hours. I don't mind sitting in his office because he has a really awesome massage chair that I sit on. I usually fall asleep on it either in the morning, at lunch, or after my shift. I guess working there is not so bad, it's just I don't want to do it lol. Anyways I am starting Westchester Community College on Tuesday. I can't wait I am taking one course. It's an acting course. It should be a lot of fun. I also cannot wait to sign up for the two clubs that I want to do. I want to be in the cheerleading club and the drama club. They sound like fun and they are also a great way to meet and make new friends. The cheerleading club will definitely help me make some girlfriends. I think that's all the info I have for now. So until next time bloggers!

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