Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 15

So, today is March 26th 2010. Sorry I haven't posted in a while bloggers. Unusually I've been very busy. I got into a play at school by the way. We are doing the greek play Hecuba and I am a trojan woman. I have a much bigger role in the play than I thought. Also bloggers, I finally have some friends who are girls. I love having them because now I can talk to them about girly stuff lol. Anyways I have decided that this summer I do not want to work with children. So now I am going to go job hunting in town, filling out apps and giving in my resume. Oh and I've been going to the gym a lot recently. I walked/ran 4.50 miles on the treadmill a couple of days ago. I am going to try 5 miles today. Oh also I got my midterm back for acting one. For those of you who don't know, we had to memorize a minute long monologue, answer questions about it, and hand in our journal for the midterm. I got a perfect score!!!! 10 out of 10 points baby!!! So also my sister is moving out next week. I am very excited for her that she will have her apartment and that I will have the house and my parents to myself. I am also kind of sad cause a part of me likes having her home. I mean she isn't going far, just to the city. Anyways I have to go, but maybe I will blog later about the gym and job hunt!

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