Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 16

So today is March 28th 2010. I went to the gym this morning and finally walked my goal of 5 miles. I walked on the treadmill and pushed myself to do the whole 5 miles. I was so proud of myself, I've been trying to do this for like months. Anyways I went to the city and met my cousin there yesterday. It was a lot of fun! we went shopping and went to brunch and Dylan's Candy Bar. I have rehearsal tonight at 6pm and am really excited. I get to see all my girlfriends tonight!! I also get to see some of my guy friends. Like two of them are in the play with me, and then one of them is just coming to hangout lol. Yesterday was my stepmom's birthday, so I just want to throw a shoutout to her. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Oh so I finally got an affliction t-shirt and I love it. I was soooo excited, I saw it in TJ Maxx and just had to get it. I also wanted the boy swim shorts, but my mom would not get them for me. Once I get paid from my dad I am so getting those shorts lol. I am also looking locally for a summer job. I went everywhere in my town yesterday and I got two applications and did one online. Everywhere else was not hiring, but I still gave them my resume just in case a position opens. So I kind of have a crush on one of my guy friends and he likes me too, but he doesn't know about being in a relationship. Like he doesn't want to get hurt or hurt me. I totally understand, but with no get no reward. Anyways that's all I have to say for now. Toodles!!!!

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