Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 36

So today is September 25th 2010 and I have my first quiz in Analytical Reading on Monday. I have to study, but right now I am procrastinating LOL. I am listening to the Glee music and I am soooo bored! Nothing exciting is really happening except that I decided to be a Tackle Me Girl for halloween. I am going to be one with my friend and we are going to look so cute! I love halloween, it's definitely one of my favorite holidays. I mean you get to dress up and lots of candy...what could be better? Anyways that's all I have for now, maybe I will write later...Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 35

So today is September 23rd 2010 and I am so tired. I had analytical reading today and we had a really good class. We have a quiz on Monday....ugh! I love my professor lol she is so cute and nice. I am in love with the new guy on Glee. He is so cute even though he is going to play a guy's boyfriend. That's my favorite show lol, I love glee. Life has been so boring lately lol not much going on. I am so bored right now bloggers. I am watching Made of Honor and it's not even that good of a movie. It's actually kind of stupid. So I tried out for the play at Westchester Community College and I will find out if I am in the cast on Monday. They are doing the Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. It sounds like a fun play and I really hope I get a part. Anyways I really want to see the movie Easy A. It looks stupid, but fun and that's why I want to see it. I can't believe it, but that's all I have to report for now! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 34

So today is September 12th 2010 and I started school last week. I love both of my professors and think this is going to be a great semester. I have been having a lot of fun re-connecting with my college friends and seeing new people who are in my classes. Both my classes are really small they are between 11 and 15 students each, which is good for me because it is easier to learn. I cannot wait for tomorrow to go to class, I did all of my homework and I am prepared. I just have to bring in my props for my Acting 2 scene. I am going to be playing a girl who is getting ready for a date, but gets locked in the bathroom. She tries knocking on the door and yelling for help, but no one is home. Then she tries to open the window, but it is stuck. Then she finds bobby pins on the floor and picks the lock right before her date gets there. I'm going to make it really funny and have her be claustrophobic. Anyways that's all I have for now! Bye Bloggers!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 33

So today is August 29th 2010, sorry I haven't bloged in over a month. I have actually been busy working at the camp and getting my stuff ready for WCC. I cannot wait to go back and be able to drive there and see all my friends at the same time. It's going to be an awesome year.....I can feel it! And I think the Analytical Reading course is going to be really good for me since I am terrible at reading comprehension. Anyways one of my best friends leaves for her pre-college program today and I want to give her a little shoutout. Good luck Em! I'm rooting for you! In other news, I want to get a dwarf rabbit. I saw one in a pet store yesterday and it was just so adorable. My mom said that she wants to see it and then we will discuss it and then I guess we'll go from there. I am at my dad's house this weekend and I feel sick today. My head and my throat hurt and I just woke up, but still feel tired. I think I might be getting sick. I hate when I'm sick because I feel all gross and sicky. Anyways that's all I have to report for now! Until next time bloggers!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 32

So today is July 17th 2010 and I just woke up in West Hampton. I don't feel so well this morning which makes me sad. Camp is still going great though and I got into a huge water fight yesterday. I lost, but it was still a lot of fun. My girls have still not fought at all, which is great that I don't have to break up any fights. Seeing my cousins last weekend was a lot of fun too. Everyone got a long really well and we all just had a good time. It was like my dream come true. Hopefully now we will see them more. I can't wait to go back to WCC in the fall, I am taking Analytical Reading and Acting 2. I decided to take the Early Childhood course during second semester. I just think it would be smarter to get the reading skills instead of just throwing myself into a hard course. I start September 7th and I am really excited. So I guess a lot is going on in my life LOL, which makes it exciting! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 31

So today is July 10th 2010 and I am seeing my cousins from Florida!!! I haven't seen them in a year and I am so excited! I saw them for the first time when I went to Florida with my friend and now they are in New York. I am really excited for my dad too, he hasn't seen his brother or the kids in a long time. I hope this brings them closer because they are family....they should be close! Anyways I started my job at the Rye Rec day camp and it's going really well. I love my third grade girls, they are just the best group. They are so nice to each other and get along really well. I brought lollipops for them yesterdat cause they are so good. I am almost done with my book, it's been good I just haven't had that much time to read it. Oh by the way, I got the first counselor of the day of the summer. I was really happy about that because the director noticed all the hard work I was doing, and it all paid off. Anyways that's it for now!!!!! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 30

So today is June 24th 2010 and I had my placement test for WCC yesterday. I didn't do that well on the online portion, and we don't know how I did on my essay yet. It all depends on my essay whether or not I can take the Early Childhood course that I want to take. If I can't then I will take the Analytical Reading course that the placement test suggested. I think it's a good idea to take that course anyways because I would learn useful skills. So, I went to the gym today and did a really good workout. Now I am like so tired and sweaty. It's so gross, I hate sweat. I'm so bored, I'm not really going to be doing anything. Just cleaning my room and my laundry. Anyways sorry this is a short post, but that's it for now. Bye Bloggers!!!!