Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 24

So today is May 29th 2010, and I am officially twenty years old!!! I am now in Westhampton hanging with family and having a good time. I also went to this awesome store called Sway and got some pretty cool stuff. I also got a Carvel cake for my birthday so I can celebrate with my whole family. We are having brunch also to celebrate. Oh, my license finally came in the mail!! I was so excited when it came. I definitely have the worst drivers license picture ever. I didn't even smile! Lol, anyways my mom is going to Italy for two whole weeks. She is leaving on Monday and I am going to be staying with my Aunt half the time and the other half with my dad. There's not that much going on right now though. I almost forgot, American Idiot was amazing and anyone who loves Greenday should go see it. I absolutely love it and could see it again if I got the chance. I got the whole CD on itunes and keep listening to it. I love how all the songs went so well with the story. Anyways that is all I have to tell you guys. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 23

So today is May 27th 2010 and only one more day until my birthday!!!!! I cannot believe I am going to be twenty!!! Where did all the years go? When I think about elementary school and middle school, it feels like a whole other life that I had. Like I am just now beginning a new life. I don't know, but that's how I feel. Well onto another topic, I am going to see the new broadway show American Idiot tomorrow night. We got tickets for my birthday since I love Greenday. (I might have mentioned this in my last post, sorry I am just so excited!!!) I also love to go see broadway shows. I love all the music and it looks like the cast has so much fun doing it. Sometimes I regret that I didn't stay with singing and dancing lessons, even though I know I was never that talented. Like I have an average singing voice and I can't dance for my life lol. So, knowing all this, I would never have a shot on broadway. When I was in 5th grade I sang in the stardust diner in New York City. I was trying out for my school's play and my mom wanted me to practice so she asked if I could sing. It was really funny and I was really nervous, but I did it. And for all of you who are wondering, I got the part of a lost boy in peter pan. (That was the play that my school was doing.) Anyways I am going to stop writing for now, but maybe I will blog later. Bye Bloggers!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 22

So today is May 24th 2010, only four days until I turn twenty years old. I just got home last night from Westhampton and had a pretty ok time. I actually went on the beach to look for sea glass and got really into it. I found a lot of seaglass, I found a huge green piece and was so excited. I am also very excited because I am going to see American Idiot on broadway friday night for my birthday. I can't wait! I love greenday music!!! They are like my all time favorite!!! Anyways I got my license!!!! I never thought this day would come bloggers!!!! But it actually happened and on my first try too. I didn't think I passed because she commented on my parking, but then I actually passed!! I am so happy because now I can really drive. Well that's all I really have for today, not that much has gone on. Which kinda sucks, but I guess it's ok. Bye bloggers!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 21

So today is May 10th 2010. Only 18 days until my birthday and 8 days until my road test. I am not as nervous for my road test as I thought I'd be. I am so tired bloggers, so much unnecessary drama has been going on. I am completely sick of it. I don't want to get into it because I am sooo over all this drama. On a better note, I finally got hired for the summer. I will be working at the Rye Rec day camp. I'm not sure what type of counselor I am yet because I have to send in the paperwork for it first. I can't wait to find out which group I am working with. Anyways, today I am going into the city to see my cousin and sister. I am very excited, even though I saw them both yesterday lol. Oh, I am also registering for classes for next fall. I am going to take early childhood developement and acting 2. Hopefully I will enjoy both classes next fall. And hopefully I will be able to drive myself to school next semester. That would be awesome! I actually love driving. I was so afraid of it, that I never thought I would love it, but I do. I mean what's the big deal? Lol it's just driving. So as you see, my life has gotten a little more interesting. Not all good and not all bad, but interesting. Well that's really it for now! Bye Bloggers!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 20

So today is May 5th 2010. My birthday is in 23 days and my road test is in 13 days!!! That's right bloggers, I said road test! I did the 5 hour course as you all know and decided that I am not afraid anymore. I then set up an appointment for my road test which is May 18th at 11am. I am excited yet really nervous. I don't expect to pass my first time, because a lot ofay people don't. It usually takes most people at least 2 or 3 times before they pass. My goal was to have my license by my birthday and even if I don't achieve this goal, I will still be very proud of myself. Also the NAMI walk is in 3 days! I am really excited for that too, even though I know it is going to be a very emotional day for me. I have a lot of support from my family and friends, so I will not be alone on this. Even my sister's friend donated his time and money! I can't believe that the walk is finally here though, I have been waiting months for this. On to other news I have my acting final on May 13th and then I am going to my step-sister's college graduation! I want to give her a shoutout and congradulate her on this huge accomplishment. I want her to know proud of her we all are and how she should be proud of herself. I can't wait to see her and tell her all that. Anyways that's all I have to report! Bye Bloggers!!!!