Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 23

So today is May 27th 2010 and only one more day until my birthday!!!!! I cannot believe I am going to be twenty!!! Where did all the years go? When I think about elementary school and middle school, it feels like a whole other life that I had. Like I am just now beginning a new life. I don't know, but that's how I feel. Well onto another topic, I am going to see the new broadway show American Idiot tomorrow night. We got tickets for my birthday since I love Greenday. (I might have mentioned this in my last post, sorry I am just so excited!!!) I also love to go see broadway shows. I love all the music and it looks like the cast has so much fun doing it. Sometimes I regret that I didn't stay with singing and dancing lessons, even though I know I was never that talented. Like I have an average singing voice and I can't dance for my life lol. So, knowing all this, I would never have a shot on broadway. When I was in 5th grade I sang in the stardust diner in New York City. I was trying out for my school's play and my mom wanted me to practice so she asked if I could sing. It was really funny and I was really nervous, but I did it. And for all of you who are wondering, I got the part of a lost boy in peter pan. (That was the play that my school was doing.) Anyways I am going to stop writing for now, but maybe I will blog later. Bye Bloggers!!!!!

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