Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 6

So today is September 19th 2009. I am going to my dad's house today for the second night of the Jewish holiday. I can't wait, more amazing food. I swear after tonight I am going to be like another forty pounds. Crazy I know, but sadly it's true. I just love food. Do you ever get the feeling that nobody is listening? That's how I am starting feel about this blog. I mean my blog is not about getting read, it's really about getting written. It would be nice some readers out there somewhere though. Or maybe some comments every now and then? I mean is there anyone out there reading this? Because I saw I still have no followers. Oh my god EPIC FAIL! Well even though I may have no followers or readers I'm going to keep on blogging because someday someone might actually read it. You never know!

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