Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 11

So today is December 18th 2009 and I just ordered this new gadget called the Stress Eraser. It is really cool and will give me a mindfulness practice to do everyday. What you do is you put your finger in the little machine and it helps you modify your breathing. It also has a screen that shows you the waves of your breathing, so your mind stays active. I cannot wait for it to come. Anyways I am so excited! My best friend is finally home from college! I am going to see her today in about an hour. I love spending time with her because she really gets me and knows how to keep a secret. I have another good friend who is the same way and the three of us are the three amigas. we used to do almost everything together, but now since we are older we have more seperate lives. We still see and talk to each other a lot, just not as much as we used to. It's still good to know that I will always have them and they will always be there for me. I also want to wish my sister good luck today on her interview and give her a little shout out lol. Well that's about it for now, Bye Bloggers!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 10

So today is October 27th 2009. Only four days until Halloween! I'm not doing anything this year for it, just handing out candy to the trick or treaters. So today it's raining and I am bored at home. My mom is out, but when she gets back we are going to work on my application for the Northern Westchester Shelter. I want to volunteer there. I've also decided that I want to get a job at Mount Kisco Seafood because my future husband works there lol. I thought that it would be a great way to start communicating with him, since I've never really spoken with him. No girls have ever worked there and my mom knows the guy who runs it so she is going to try to get me the job. I'm so crazy about this guy he is totally my type. Anyways bloggers I will let you know when I get the job and that's it for now!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 9

So today is October 24th 2009. I wanted to update you bloggers out there and let you all know that I got my learners permit! The test wasn't too hard and I only got two answers wrong. My mom took me driving on tuesday and I wasn't as nervous and scared as I thought I'd be. I mean I don't why I've been so scared, I guess I thought I couldn't handle the responsibility of driving. Because it is a huge responsibility having total control over another object. All in all I was okay for my first time driving and I think that's pretty cool. That's all I have to say for now bloggers, but it's still early, I might write again later.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day 8

So today is October 19th 2009. Not only is it my friend, John's birthday, but it's the day I am finally taking my permit test! I know what you all are thinking. Why did it take me this long? Well like I said earlier I am afraid of driving, but slowly I have been getting over my fear. I think I am finally ready to drive. I am going to be taking the test in an hour and half! I am so excited!!! Anyways since it is so early that's all I really have to say. I will blog later to let you guys know how it went. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 7

So today is October 18th 2009. Sorry I haven't written in over a month, it's just my life finally got interesting. I am now volunteering at the Katonah Community Center and at Rainbeau Ridge Farm. I also applied to volunteer at the Northern Westchester Shelter, working with the children there. I am taking a really fun art class at the Katonah Art Center too. I love it! We are working with watercolor and it is awesome. I am going to take a course at WCC in January. I don't know which course yet, but hopefully a fun one. Hopefully this will get me back in the swing of doing school work. So I guess my life isn't that boring anymore lol. I have been having a lot of fun in everything I am doing and don't know if I want to be a teacher anymore. I might want to be a social worker or something. I'm still not sure though. Anyways, that's all I have to report for now!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 6

So today is September 19th 2009. I am going to my dad's house today for the second night of the Jewish holiday. I can't wait, more amazing food. I swear after tonight I am going to be like another forty pounds. Crazy I know, but sadly it's true. I just love food. Do you ever get the feeling that nobody is listening? That's how I am starting feel about this blog. I mean my blog is not about getting read, it's really about getting written. It would be nice some readers out there somewhere though. Or maybe some comments every now and then? I mean is there anyone out there reading this? Because I saw I still have no followers. Oh my god EPIC FAIL! Well even though I may have no followers or readers I'm going to keep on blogging because someday someone might actually read it. You never know!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 5

So today is September 17th 2009. Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of days, but I've actually been busy. Today is the Jewish holiday and I am so excited. I love having the whole family over every year for a big dinner! I make the sweet potato pies every year and they always come out as everyones favorite. The Jewosh holidays also make me really sad. It makes me think of those who I've lost in my family. It also makes me think of all the people in my family who died before I was born and how I never met them. Like for example all four of my grandparents died before I was born. Well technacally my dad's mother died two months after I was born and I wish I could remember her. But I was only two months old, how could I remember something from that time? Anyways I know all of them are watching down on me and protecting me and for that I am grateful.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 4

So today is September 12th 2009. I am in Westhampton with my mom and stepdad, we have a place out here. Sucks for me because I hate the beach, it's so yucky! Don't get me wrong the beach is beautiful and I love looking at it, but I don't like the feel of the sand. And I also hate feet and everyone's barefoot on the beach. Gross! My favorite part about coming to Westhampton is the town. There is really good shopping and the most adorable dogs. My favorite store in town is called Sway. It's awesome, it has all the punky/goth stuff. See I am not punk or goth really, but I wear that type of stuff. My personality is preppy and you wouldn't know that by the way I dress. Heck, I wear everything and anything! I don't like to use labels though. I mean why should I judge other people when I know how much it hurts to be Judged? Well that's all I have to say for now bloggers, untill we meet again.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 3

So today is September 11th 2009. It's been 8 years since 9/11 and one year since my Thames incident. I just want to apologize to all those people I hurt exactly one year ago. It was terrible what I did and I wish I could take it back, but we can only go forward. I mean everyone makes mistakes and we have to forgive and not totally forget, but just forgive. I know I majorly screwed up and I hope all those people will forgive me. I also want to extend the apology to a certain boy who since then has turned my world upside down. Not only do I want to apologize, but say thank you. Without him in my life I would have been totally alone through this process. I hope I can fix everything that's going on right now and don't worry bloggers. I will let you know when I do, but for now all I can say is sorry.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 2

So today is September 10th 2009. I had my interview today and I thinked they really liked me, but still cross your fingers bloggers! I won't hear if I am employed until next week. Anyways now I am watching Legally Blondes. I know, I know weird choice of movie, but I'm bored. My mom took my cousin and her fiance to get wedding stuff and I don't drive yet, so I am stuck at home for the day. I know what you are all thinking. I'm 19 years old and dont drive yet? Yes bloggers it's true, I don't drive yet, I don't even have my permit. I am afraid to drive because of all the crazy drivers out there. But I am going to get my permit very soon and I will keep you guys updated on the driver's liscence, but don't get your hopes up. It might take a while. Anyways I'm going to go but maybe I will blog again later today

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 1

So today is September 9th 2009. I am sitting in my moms room dog sitting my cousin's dog Buzzbee. I feel so lame. I need to get a job and lucky me has an interview tomorrow. Let's cross our fingers people and hope that I get hired. I need something to do to add a little action. So my friends tell me I need to get out and start having fun. Hey, I have fun. They are worried about me lol. But I guess good friends are always worried about eachother. I mean what's the big deal if I haven't gone out to like a club or something in a while? I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I'm supposed to being seeing my friend Vanessa again today. I don't if she is actually coming cause she got sick last night. Great. Another day in the house, just what I need. Sometimes I wish I do go out, but then I say why? So I could hook up with some random stranger I am never going to see again? Now that's totally lame.


My name is Eliza Rauchwerger, but all you bloggers out there can call me Ellie. I am starting this blog to talk about mostly everything that goes on in my boring life. I thought that this might make things more interesting. I'm calling it "What's the big deal" because I always say that phrase. Like when my mom asks me why I came home after curfew I say hey chillax, what's the big deal. Anyways Like I said, I have the most boring life ever. Nothing exciting ever happens to me and my friends. So that's why I created this blog. To show everyone that my life is pathetic lol. so come blog or comment or whatever they do on this site. Who knows, I might even post something twice a day!