Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 36

So today is September 25th 2010 and I have my first quiz in Analytical Reading on Monday. I have to study, but right now I am procrastinating LOL. I am listening to the Glee music and I am soooo bored! Nothing exciting is really happening except that I decided to be a Tackle Me Girl for halloween. I am going to be one with my friend and we are going to look so cute! I love halloween, it's definitely one of my favorite holidays. I mean you get to dress up and lots of candy...what could be better? Anyways that's all I have for now, maybe I will write later...Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 35

So today is September 23rd 2010 and I am so tired. I had analytical reading today and we had a really good class. We have a quiz on Monday....ugh! I love my professor lol she is so cute and nice. I am in love with the new guy on Glee. He is so cute even though he is going to play a guy's boyfriend. That's my favorite show lol, I love glee. Life has been so boring lately lol not much going on. I am so bored right now bloggers. I am watching Made of Honor and it's not even that good of a movie. It's actually kind of stupid. So I tried out for the play at Westchester Community College and I will find out if I am in the cast on Monday. They are doing the Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. It sounds like a fun play and I really hope I get a part. Anyways I really want to see the movie Easy A. It looks stupid, but fun and that's why I want to see it. I can't believe it, but that's all I have to report for now! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 34

So today is September 12th 2010 and I started school last week. I love both of my professors and think this is going to be a great semester. I have been having a lot of fun re-connecting with my college friends and seeing new people who are in my classes. Both my classes are really small they are between 11 and 15 students each, which is good for me because it is easier to learn. I cannot wait for tomorrow to go to class, I did all of my homework and I am prepared. I just have to bring in my props for my Acting 2 scene. I am going to be playing a girl who is getting ready for a date, but gets locked in the bathroom. She tries knocking on the door and yelling for help, but no one is home. Then she tries to open the window, but it is stuck. Then she finds bobby pins on the floor and picks the lock right before her date gets there. I'm going to make it really funny and have her be claustrophobic. Anyways that's all I have for now! Bye Bloggers!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 33

So today is August 29th 2010, sorry I haven't bloged in over a month. I have actually been busy working at the camp and getting my stuff ready for WCC. I cannot wait to go back and be able to drive there and see all my friends at the same time. It's going to be an awesome year.....I can feel it! And I think the Analytical Reading course is going to be really good for me since I am terrible at reading comprehension. Anyways one of my best friends leaves for her pre-college program today and I want to give her a little shoutout. Good luck Em! I'm rooting for you! In other news, I want to get a dwarf rabbit. I saw one in a pet store yesterday and it was just so adorable. My mom said that she wants to see it and then we will discuss it and then I guess we'll go from there. I am at my dad's house this weekend and I feel sick today. My head and my throat hurt and I just woke up, but still feel tired. I think I might be getting sick. I hate when I'm sick because I feel all gross and sicky. Anyways that's all I have to report for now! Until next time bloggers!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 32

So today is July 17th 2010 and I just woke up in West Hampton. I don't feel so well this morning which makes me sad. Camp is still going great though and I got into a huge water fight yesterday. I lost, but it was still a lot of fun. My girls have still not fought at all, which is great that I don't have to break up any fights. Seeing my cousins last weekend was a lot of fun too. Everyone got a long really well and we all just had a good time. It was like my dream come true. Hopefully now we will see them more. I can't wait to go back to WCC in the fall, I am taking Analytical Reading and Acting 2. I decided to take the Early Childhood course during second semester. I just think it would be smarter to get the reading skills instead of just throwing myself into a hard course. I start September 7th and I am really excited. So I guess a lot is going on in my life LOL, which makes it exciting! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 31

So today is July 10th 2010 and I am seeing my cousins from Florida!!! I haven't seen them in a year and I am so excited! I saw them for the first time when I went to Florida with my friend and now they are in New York. I am really excited for my dad too, he hasn't seen his brother or the kids in a long time. I hope this brings them closer because they are family....they should be close! Anyways I started my job at the Rye Rec day camp and it's going really well. I love my third grade girls, they are just the best group. They are so nice to each other and get along really well. I brought lollipops for them yesterdat cause they are so good. I am almost done with my book, it's been good I just haven't had that much time to read it. Oh by the way, I got the first counselor of the day of the summer. I was really happy about that because the director noticed all the hard work I was doing, and it all paid off. Anyways that's it for now!!!!! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 30

So today is June 24th 2010 and I had my placement test for WCC yesterday. I didn't do that well on the online portion, and we don't know how I did on my essay yet. It all depends on my essay whether or not I can take the Early Childhood course that I want to take. If I can't then I will take the Analytical Reading course that the placement test suggested. I think it's a good idea to take that course anyways because I would learn useful skills. So, I went to the gym today and did a really good workout. Now I am like so tired and sweaty. It's so gross, I hate sweat. I'm so bored, I'm not really going to be doing anything. Just cleaning my room and my laundry. Anyways sorry this is a short post, but that's it for now. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 29

So today is June 21st 2010 and I cannot wait to start work. I am so bored at home! I don't really do anything, just like read and go on the computer. I also go to the gym a lot. Speaking of the gym, I went today and my legs hurt so bad. I worked them out so hard that they are like on fire LOL. Now I am sitting in my kitchen waiting for my mom to come home so I can eat lunch. The book I am reading now, just got so sad. I couldn't believe it, I thought that this was supposed to be a happy book. I hope it has a good ending though. Like I hate books that are really good, but then the end is not as good and you are dissappointed. I find those types of books so annoying. Anyways that's really all I have for now. Bye Bloggers!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 28

So today is June 18th 2010 and I am going to Westhampton today. I'm actually excited to go to read my book, and look for seaglass and just relax. It's supposed to be a nice weekend, which is always good when going to the beach. So I saw the Karate Kid last night with Jaden Smith and it was really cute. It also had a lot of violence, which I was a little surprised about since it's a kids movie. But Jaden did a really good job and he looks so much like his dad, that it is a little scary LOL. I am taking my placement testing for WCC on Wednesday and it shouldn't be that bad. Except that it is a three hour test I think. Anyways I cannot wait to start working. I also cannot wait to find out what group I am working with. I am finding out next week. I have been going to the gym a lot though. I did the elliptical for twenty minutes yesterday and then did the weights. My inner thighs hurt today though, which sucks. I am working through it though. I am going to go to the gym on wednesday and do the same workout that I did yesterday, even though it hurt LOL. That's pretty much what's going on right now, pathetic I know. Bye Bloggers!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 27

So today is June 16th 2010 and I am so bored at home doing nothing. I already went to the gym this morning and went on the elliptical for 30 minutes. My legs really hurt now though. So working with my dad wasn't that bad I guess, I don't know. We went to visit my sister in the city on Sunday and I was really excited to see her. I missed her a lot. I also missed my mom a lot while she was in Italy. She got me this really pretty bracelet that matches a ring that I always wear. It was really nice. Nothing else is really going on though, it's back to being boring. Oh I went to camp orientation last night and I am one of the oldest counselors. Me and this other guy are the two oldest and everyone else are like either leaving middle school or are in high school. It's weird because I'm never the oldest and now I am. Anyways sorry this post is so short, but that's really all I have to say for now. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 26

So today is June 12th 2010 and I went to the Jethro Tull concert last night. It was ok, I only went because my dad is really into Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull and he wanted to share his love for them with me. I thought that was nice so I ended up going and I thought it was ok. It's not really my type of music, but it was an experience. I was so happy though when my dad told me I didn't have to work today. I have been so tired because I have been waking up at 5:30AM almost everyday for two weeks. I also started my new book. It's so good. Kristin Hannah is such a good author. I would kill to write stories like her. I want to read all the books she wrote! That's how good of a writer she is. Anyways once again I am home doing nothing except listening to the American Idiot Broadway CD. Next I am going to listen to glee. I am so bored lol. I don't start work this summer until July 6th. I thought it would be awesome to have the whole month of June to relax, but it's boring. There is nothing to do. Anyways that's it for now! Bye Bloggers!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 25

So today is June 8th 2010 and my mom is in Italy right now. She left May 31st and is coming home this Sunday. I didn't think I'd miss my mom this much, but I guess since I'm so used to being with her all the time that I do miss her a lot. I've been working with my dad and hanging out with my Aunt while she's been away. I watched the Glee season finale last night and it was so good. That's all I will say about it because some people might have missed it and taped it. I am so tired bloggers, I have been getting up at 5:30AM to go to work with my dad. Today I am hanging with my Aunt and I was going to wake up at 8AM, but since I am so used to waking up at 5:30AM that I got up at 7:15AM. I got the camp job at rye rec by the way. I am going to be a counselor for upper camp and I am so excited that I actually got a job! It starts on July 6th, so I have all of June to just hangout and relax. I have been talking to my sister a lot more lately. I really like talking to her about things and getting her input. She is really becoming my best friend, which I am excited about. We have never been tightly close, but now we are starting to become tightly close. Anyways that's all I have to say for now. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 24

So today is May 29th 2010, and I am officially twenty years old!!! I am now in Westhampton hanging with family and having a good time. I also went to this awesome store called Sway and got some pretty cool stuff. I also got a Carvel cake for my birthday so I can celebrate with my whole family. We are having brunch also to celebrate. Oh, my license finally came in the mail!! I was so excited when it came. I definitely have the worst drivers license picture ever. I didn't even smile! Lol, anyways my mom is going to Italy for two whole weeks. She is leaving on Monday and I am going to be staying with my Aunt half the time and the other half with my dad. There's not that much going on right now though. I almost forgot, American Idiot was amazing and anyone who loves Greenday should go see it. I absolutely love it and could see it again if I got the chance. I got the whole CD on itunes and keep listening to it. I love how all the songs went so well with the story. Anyways that is all I have to tell you guys. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 23

So today is May 27th 2010 and only one more day until my birthday!!!!! I cannot believe I am going to be twenty!!! Where did all the years go? When I think about elementary school and middle school, it feels like a whole other life that I had. Like I am just now beginning a new life. I don't know, but that's how I feel. Well onto another topic, I am going to see the new broadway show American Idiot tomorrow night. We got tickets for my birthday since I love Greenday. (I might have mentioned this in my last post, sorry I am just so excited!!!) I also love to go see broadway shows. I love all the music and it looks like the cast has so much fun doing it. Sometimes I regret that I didn't stay with singing and dancing lessons, even though I know I was never that talented. Like I have an average singing voice and I can't dance for my life lol. So, knowing all this, I would never have a shot on broadway. When I was in 5th grade I sang in the stardust diner in New York City. I was trying out for my school's play and my mom wanted me to practice so she asked if I could sing. It was really funny and I was really nervous, but I did it. And for all of you who are wondering, I got the part of a lost boy in peter pan. (That was the play that my school was doing.) Anyways I am going to stop writing for now, but maybe I will blog later. Bye Bloggers!!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Day 22

So today is May 24th 2010, only four days until I turn twenty years old. I just got home last night from Westhampton and had a pretty ok time. I actually went on the beach to look for sea glass and got really into it. I found a lot of seaglass, I found a huge green piece and was so excited. I am also very excited because I am going to see American Idiot on broadway friday night for my birthday. I can't wait! I love greenday music!!! They are like my all time favorite!!! Anyways I got my license!!!! I never thought this day would come bloggers!!!! But it actually happened and on my first try too. I didn't think I passed because she commented on my parking, but then I actually passed!! I am so happy because now I can really drive. Well that's all I really have for today, not that much has gone on. Which kinda sucks, but I guess it's ok. Bye bloggers!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 21

So today is May 10th 2010. Only 18 days until my birthday and 8 days until my road test. I am not as nervous for my road test as I thought I'd be. I am so tired bloggers, so much unnecessary drama has been going on. I am completely sick of it. I don't want to get into it because I am sooo over all this drama. On a better note, I finally got hired for the summer. I will be working at the Rye Rec day camp. I'm not sure what type of counselor I am yet because I have to send in the paperwork for it first. I can't wait to find out which group I am working with. Anyways, today I am going into the city to see my cousin and sister. I am very excited, even though I saw them both yesterday lol. Oh, I am also registering for classes for next fall. I am going to take early childhood developement and acting 2. Hopefully I will enjoy both classes next fall. And hopefully I will be able to drive myself to school next semester. That would be awesome! I actually love driving. I was so afraid of it, that I never thought I would love it, but I do. I mean what's the big deal? Lol it's just driving. So as you see, my life has gotten a little more interesting. Not all good and not all bad, but interesting. Well that's really it for now! Bye Bloggers!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 20

So today is May 5th 2010. My birthday is in 23 days and my road test is in 13 days!!! That's right bloggers, I said road test! I did the 5 hour course as you all know and decided that I am not afraid anymore. I then set up an appointment for my road test which is May 18th at 11am. I am excited yet really nervous. I don't expect to pass my first time, because a lot ofay people don't. It usually takes most people at least 2 or 3 times before they pass. My goal was to have my license by my birthday and even if I don't achieve this goal, I will still be very proud of myself. Also the NAMI walk is in 3 days! I am really excited for that too, even though I know it is going to be a very emotional day for me. I have a lot of support from my family and friends, so I will not be alone on this. Even my sister's friend donated his time and money! I can't believe that the walk is finally here though, I have been waiting months for this. On to other news I have my acting final on May 13th and then I am going to my step-sister's college graduation! I want to give her a shoutout and congradulate her on this huge accomplishment. I want her to know proud of her we all are and how she should be proud of herself. I can't wait to see her and tell her all that. Anyways that's all I have to report! Bye Bloggers!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 19

So today is April 10th 2010. I just got home from the five hour driving course and it was brutually boring. The teacher was nice and everything, it's just that he basically read the driver's manual to us. He was also telling us his whole life story lol. Though I did get the certificate and now I am hoping to take the road test in early May. I really want to take it before my birthday and pass, which is the end of May. I met a really nice guy there too and we walked to lunch and back together. I'm so tired bloggers and I don't know why. Anyways only 1 month and 18 days until my birthday!!! I cannot believe I am going to be 20!!!! I'm sorry this is such a short post, but I will update you guys later. Bye blogger's

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 18

So today is April 9th 2010 and I had a rehearsal for Hecuba last night. It was a lot of fun, yet kind of cold. Since it was night time and I was wearing a skirt it was really freezing, but I did it none the less. Today I had a driving lesson and I am taking the five hour course tomorrow. I also went to the gym today which was fun. I walked on the treadmill for a mile and a half, but then didn't feel well, so I got off. I also got in a fight with a friend, but whatever shit happens. I cannot wait only a month and nineteen days until my birthday! LOL I started the countdown already. I start it every year on April 7th, which is the day after my mom's birthday. So nothing really interesting is happening today, I'm just very bored. Oh so I saw that new Miley Cyrus movie, The Last Song. It was really good, but really sad. I suggest you see it bloggers and I don't even like Miley Cyrus. Well that's all I really have to say. Bye bloggers!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 17

So today is April 5th 2010, and tomorrow is my mommy's birthday!!! And now only a month and 23 days until my birthday yay!!!! Anyways, today I have a driving lesson from 9:30 to 11:00 and then I am going to the gym. I am then going to come home and relax because I have a Hecuba rehearsal from 6:30 tonight to 9:00. Bloggers I just want to say that I might end up getting my licensce sooner than we all thought. I am going to take the 5 hour course this saturday and then hopefully schedule a road test. I hope I don't have to take the test too many times lol. Oh and also I am participating in NAMI Walks. NAMI is the National Alliance for Mental llness and I am walking for my grandmother. She died from suicide and I made a walk team for her and I have almost reached my donations goal. My goal is to raise a hundred dollars, but my team's goal is to raise a thousand. If you want to help just let me know by commenting on this post and I will send you all the information. It is really for a good cause. My team's name is Team Ronnie, named after her of course. Well that's all I have to report for now. Bye Bloggers!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day 16

So today is March 28th 2010. I went to the gym this morning and finally walked my goal of 5 miles. I walked on the treadmill and pushed myself to do the whole 5 miles. I was so proud of myself, I've been trying to do this for like months. Anyways I went to the city and met my cousin there yesterday. It was a lot of fun! we went shopping and went to brunch and Dylan's Candy Bar. I have rehearsal tonight at 6pm and am really excited. I get to see all my girlfriends tonight!! I also get to see some of my guy friends. Like two of them are in the play with me, and then one of them is just coming to hangout lol. Yesterday was my stepmom's birthday, so I just want to throw a shoutout to her. Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Oh so I finally got an affliction t-shirt and I love it. I was soooo excited, I saw it in TJ Maxx and just had to get it. I also wanted the boy swim shorts, but my mom would not get them for me. Once I get paid from my dad I am so getting those shorts lol. I am also looking locally for a summer job. I went everywhere in my town yesterday and I got two applications and did one online. Everywhere else was not hiring, but I still gave them my resume just in case a position opens. So I kind of have a crush on one of my guy friends and he likes me too, but he doesn't know about being in a relationship. Like he doesn't want to get hurt or hurt me. I totally understand, but with no get no reward. Anyways that's all I have to say for now. Toodles!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 15

So, today is March 26th 2010. Sorry I haven't posted in a while bloggers. Unusually I've been very busy. I got into a play at school by the way. We are doing the greek play Hecuba and I am a trojan woman. I have a much bigger role in the play than I thought. Also bloggers, I finally have some friends who are girls. I love having them because now I can talk to them about girly stuff lol. Anyways I have decided that this summer I do not want to work with children. So now I am going to go job hunting in town, filling out apps and giving in my resume. Oh and I've been going to the gym a lot recently. I walked/ran 4.50 miles on the treadmill a couple of days ago. I am going to try 5 miles today. Oh also I got my midterm back for acting one. For those of you who don't know, we had to memorize a minute long monologue, answer questions about it, and hand in our journal for the midterm. I got a perfect score!!!! 10 out of 10 points baby!!! So also my sister is moving out next week. I am very excited for her that she will have her apartment and that I will have the house and my parents to myself. I am also kind of sad cause a part of me likes having her home. I mean she isn't going far, just to the city. Anyways I have to go, but maybe I will blog later about the gym and job hunt!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 14

So today is January 28th 2010 and I am stuck at home. It is snowing and the roads are so bad that I couldn't go to my acting class. They are still bad so I cant go to my volunteer job either. We were supposed to start the first play in my class, but I guess I will just get it on Tuesday. I went to club day at the college yesterday and signed up for the drama club which meets every Wednesday. So now I will be there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday! I wanted to sign up for the cheerleading club too, but no one came to represent it at club day. Oh I almost forgot! I ran into my friend Jordan at club day and we had lunch together. We might hang out tomorrow when she's done with her classes. I was really excited to see someone I knew cause now we can hangout in school and outside of school lol. I actually am starting to feel like a real student, even though I am only taking one course. I love it there though, I just love the atmosphere I guess. Anyways I am so bored! There is nothing to do in my house lol. Well that's about it for today, until next time bloggers!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 13

So today is January 23rd 2010. I started my acting course at Westchester Community College on Tuesday and it was amazing!!!! I go every Tuesday and Thursday and I met so many new people and had a lot of fun. I did the homework for both days already lol. I really like my professor, she is adorable and I think likes to have fun in class. We start our first play next Tuesday. We are going to be reading the play Oleanna. We are going to be reading two plays after that. The other plays are Burried Child and Eurydice. (Can someone tell me how to pronounce that? I have no clue!) We also have to see a live performance somewhere and do a full page critique of it. And for the midterm we need to memorize a monologue from one of the plays that we read. I'm so excited because I can be a really good actress and I really enjoy being on stage. The class is in the theater and we do everything on the stage, which is a huge plus for me. I think I was born to be on stage lol just kidding. We do really fun exercises too. They get you out of your own head and get you to be something that's completly different from who you are. It's wicked awesome! I love it. Anyways that's all I have to say about the class right now, but I will blog again after the next class!!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 12

So today is January 17th 2010. I am sooo bored today. I am just sitting in my den listening to music and writing this blog. I am also really mad. I have to work at my dad's pharmacy every monday from now on. I don't like working at his store because I have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and I am always so tired. Like, I like the store and the customers and everything, but I hate waking up that early. The only positives are that I don't start working until 9 in the morning and that I am getting paid for it. We usually get there at like 6:15AM and then I sit in his office until 9AM. Then I work at the register until like 1 or 1:30PM, that's when I have like 30 minutes to an hour of lunch. Then I work straight until 5PM. My dad works until 7PM so at 5PM I go back and sit in his office for another two hours. I don't mind sitting in his office because he has a really awesome massage chair that I sit on. I usually fall asleep on it either in the morning, at lunch, or after my shift. I guess working there is not so bad, it's just I don't want to do it lol. Anyways I am starting Westchester Community College on Tuesday. I can't wait I am taking one course. It's an acting course. It should be a lot of fun. I also cannot wait to sign up for the two clubs that I want to do. I want to be in the cheerleading club and the drama club. They sound like fun and they are also a great way to meet and make new friends. The cheerleading club will definitely help me make some girlfriends. I think that's all the info I have for now. So until next time bloggers!